ac6-conseil, un département d'Ac6 SAS
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In the following video we showcase an assymetric application showing interaction between real-time and multimedia activities through OpenAMP:

  • On Cortex A7
    • We run a Linux kernel and rootfs generated using System Workbench for Linux
    • We capture images from the camera using gstreamer
    • We analyze it using OpenCV to detect the number of fingers raised
    • We display the camera output and the analysis output in a graphical interface built with QT
    • Depending on the fingers configuration, we send speed and direction orders to the Cortex-M4 through OpenAMP
  • On Cortex M4
    • We receive speed and direction orders from the Cortex-A7 through OpenAMP
    • We control a motor, using two timers of the Cortex-M4 configured to generate PWM control signals to the motor

Download the video (registration needed) MP4 video file Motor-controlled-by-fingers.mp4